Gallien Krueger most people do not no what I'm talking About but I do Gallien kruegers are top of the line bass amplifiers I bet most of you aren't thinking Does it even matter what brand it is for an amp well the answer is it does different amps give out different quality of sound. Sound quality is affected by a few main things, Speaker size, Active EQ, and power, GK delivers on all of these for there products but this comes at a cost... Gallien Krueger are some of the most expensive amps on the scene for something decent enough to gig with your looking at around $1800 New Zealand at least another great feature of Gk is the bi amp option which allows to utilize two Audio amplifiers to power a set of Loud speakers Gallien Krueger also has many famous endorsers such as Duff Mckagan of Guns n roses Johnny Christ of avenged sevenfold and flea of RHCP so if you ever get into playing bass Gallien Kruger is the way to go!!
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