Monday, May 19, 2008

Eddie Vedder

Eddie Vedder one of the many geniuses of the music behind pearl jam was born december 23rd 1964 in Chicago with the full name Edward Louis Severson. he Received a guitar from his mother for his 12th birthday and began to write music as a comfort one of vedders earlier bands was actually with rage against the machine drummer brad wilk in 1988 they were a progressive funk-rock band who originally played as a red hot chili peppers cover tribute band although they never released a major label record they were a popular live act in southern california. Vedder then joined pearl jam in 1991 with fellow band mates Jeff Ament, Mike Mcready, Stone gossard then releasing there Debut album ten plunging them into the alternative scene Vedder is still in pearl jam and there has been news of recent that the band has a new album in its baby stages of production.
Some interesting facts about Eddie Vedder
  • Vedder is a Surfer and active in surf related conservation efforts
  • Eddie Vedder is an Atheist
  • Vedder is a big Chicago Bulls fan and is a good friend of former Bulls player Denis Rodman.
  • Vedder shows his support for environmental activism by sporting an EarthFirst tattoo on his right calf. The logo is of a monkey wrench crossed with a stone hammer. Vedder is also a vegetarian and animal rights activist activist.

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