Monday, June 2, 2008

The Reliever

It seemed as if it was to be an average normal day at Whangaparaoa college. Students an the odd teacher made a last minute dash for there fourth and final class of the day. some were lucky and had p.e or music something easy going that didn't require the brain drain the other classes unfortunately... i wasn't one of these lucky students I on the other hand had science! Yes you heard right. SCIENCE! the single worst subject that did torment the minds of students alike. I was no different to anyone else and despised the near fatal torture that was science but that was before one day when the most unusual thing happened...

I stepped into class gritting my teeth expecting the worst only to find the light at the end of the tunnel ( and trust me that tunnel was very dark) A RELIEVER. I was so Excited I swear a light shone down from the heavens like in one of those corny movie scenes right on to the relievers unsuspecting head. I could tell i wasn't the only one thrilled that he was here as people talked and pondered on what he was going to be like. that was except for the science nerds in the corner who seemed to sneer at the relievers presence in there beloved class. we took our seats as usual except there was a little extra talking than usual then with one loud boom of his voice "SHUT UP!!!!" the class fell into a cold dark silence everyones attitude had changed instantly from ohhh yaay reliever!! to oh crap we've got a reliever. I then looked over at the reliever to study him closer and then it hit me this dude had a hangover. the news spread quickly through the class it had been five minutes since the teachers booming command caught our attention and he had said nothing since and sat staring at the ceiling with one of those looks that said i really wish i wasn't here. now with the whole class aware of the teachers state. a plan was quickly devised to take advantage of this situation have the best possible experience with a reliever...

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